Penn Medicine

About Us

Welcome to the Division of Hospital Medicine at Penn! 

We are proud to be part of the Department of Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine, both among the oldest, most-accomplished, and highest-ranked programs in the nation – and the University of Pennsylvania Health System is one of the largest and most successful integrated academic health systems in the US. Our position within this outstanding environment (and our location in the beautiful, historic city of Philadelphia) are the foundations of our success in academic medicine.

As a Division, we are a group of over 70 physicians and over 40 advanced practice practitioners that provide top quality care at 5 world-class institutions in Philadelphia: The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP), PHMC Public Health Campus on Cedar (HUP Cedar), Penn Presbyterian Medical Center (PPMC), Good Shepherd Penn Partners (GSPP), and the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center, Philadelphia.We care for a wide range of patients and conditions at these sites – we not only staff general medicine inpatient services, but also co-manage services with neurosurgery, oncology, and orthopedics as well as practice in a long term acute care hospital and provide consultative services with physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Our group also plays a key role in the educational mission at Penn – the Martin Service rotation at HUP is considered a capstone experience for medicine residents as well as medical students and several of our faculty have important leadership roles in both the residency and medical school programs.

Faculty development is a priority in our Section. We offer our junior faculty structure tailored to individualized goals and endpoints in all of our tracks. 

Additionally, our faculty play key roles in leading quality and safety efforts at Penn – we direct the Center for Healthcare Improvement and Patient Safety and the Center for Evidence-based Practice.

Established in 1998, we are one of the first academic hospital medicine programs in the US and are proud to celebrate over 25 years of excellence –  as we look towards the next 25 years, we aspire to grow and lead this emerging field towards even greater heights.

Penn Hospital Medicine
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street, Maloney Building
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Main Reception: 215.662.3797
Fax: 215.662.6250