Penn Medicine

Academic Clinician Track

Thank you for your interest in Penn Hospital Medicine's Academic Clinican (AC) Track.

At Penn, academic clinicians are non-tenured faculty, Assistant Professor level and above who focus on clinical care, quality and safety, and education, including potential leadership opportunities in these domains. Research is not required in this track and promotion is based on a faculty member's recognition within (and eventually beyond) Penn Medicine as a superior clinician, an impactful educator, for having made contributions to their area of concentration, and for sustained professionalism. Our faculty are well represented in AC track at all ranks (Assistant, Associate and Full Professor).  

A successful applicant to AC track typically has at least 1 year of academic faculty experience post-residency (such as Chief Residency or Instructor position) or have advanced degrees such as a Master's degree or PhD and must be able to articulate what their intended Area of Concentration (which can be clinical or non-clinical) may be. Residents seeking jobs immediately after graduation are usually a better fit for our Penn Medicine Clinician positions.    

Hospitalists on AC track will typically work 15-17 shifts a month and have a minimum of 6-8 weeks of housestaff service, with remaining weeks on daytime frontline, collaborative care, consult and comanagement services. Non-clinical days are flexible for personal academic and professional development. All faculty are assigned mentors in their Area of Concentration.   

We hope you will consider applying and look forward to hearing from you!


Professor of Clinical Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine

Associate Division Chief for Recruitment and On-Boarding

Division of Hospital Medicine, Department of Medicine 


Penn Hospital Medicine
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street, Maloney Building
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Main Reception: 215.662.3797
Fax: 215.662.6250