Elpidio Sandig is an Advanced Practice Provider that specializes in treatment of patients within the hospital. Elpidio practices at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and serves as a Physician Assistant taking care of internal medicine and medical oncology patients.
Elpidio earned his earned his Bachelors degree from Central Philippine University, his Masters degree in Leadership from Wilmington University, and a Post-Graduate Certificate for Adult Care NP from Thomas Jefferson University. His clinical journey has taken him through ICU, Medical-Surgical, Pediatrics, Intermediate Neuro, and the EP Lab, where he also served as Nurse Supervisor at PPMC and PAH. He is a Registered Certified Electrophysiology Specialist and remains passionate about maintaining his certification in this area.
Elpidio has practiced nursing across four regions of the world: Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Western Europe, and North America. He grew up in a household without electricity until college, where he cultivated a love of reading by kerosene lamp—an inspiring testament to his dedication and resilience.