Dr. Neha Patel is a practicing hospitalist at the Hospital of University of Pennsylvania. She is also Associate Chief Medical Information Officer for mhealth (mobile health) Strategy and the Director of Healthcare Leadership in Quality Track, Offices of the Chief Medical Officer and Graduate Medical Education. She joined the Section in 2009 and currently serves as a Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine. Her interests include implementing new technology and innovative solutions to improve operational metrics and the patient experience. She also teaches process improvement and the Healthcare Leadership in Quality Track that she directs has trained over 120 residents from 15 specialties.
Dr. Patel earned her medical degree from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She completed a medical residency at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and also received a Master degree from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety.
Northeast Group on Education Affairs (NEGEA) Innovation in Medical Education Award, AAMC, 2018
2nd place winner in the 2014 Delaware Valley Quality and Patient Safety Awards, 2014
Innovation in Healthcare Education / Philadelphia Business Journal, 2012
Honorable Mention "Leape Ahead Award" for a Residency Track in Healthcare Leadership in Quality / American College of Physician Executives. Patel N, Brennan PJ, Shannon RP, Metlay JP, Bellini LM, Myers JS., 2012