Penn Medicine

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

The Division of General Internal Medicine’s Antiracism and Equity Task Force was formed in September 2020 to create a strategic plan for promoting diversity, health equity, and an inclusive community at Penn. The task force was structured around the Action for Cultural Transformation (ACT) framework of Penn’s Office of Inclusion and Diversity. 

The task force presented its recommendations to the Division of General Internal Medicine in the summer of 2021. Four work groups were created to further develop SMART goals and implement the recommendations of the task force. Membership in the work groups is open to all DGIM faculty, clinical staff (APP’s, nurses, CNA’s,etc), nonclinical staff (admin assistant, coordinators, etc.), Internal Medicine house staff and medical students at the Perelman School of Medicine. The four work groups:

1.    People and Culture Work Group
       Objectives:  Foster just, equitable, diverse and inclusive culture enabled by supportive policies, practices, and systems of accountability. Drive recruitment, engagement, and retention of diverse and skilled individuals in all roles at all         levels.

2.    Clinical Work Group
       Objective:  Provide all patients with equitable care and outstanding experience.

3.    Community Work Group
       Objective: Support creation of a just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment in partnership with our community.

4.    Research and Education Work Group
       Objectives: Support research on health equity and other topics associated with bias and structural racism research. Train and develop providers, clinicians, staff, and students to address health inequities in the practice of medicine and           process of care.

Work groups meet monthly to refine goals, delegate tasks amongst group members, and review progress. The Division of General Internal Medicine has pledged $50,000 toward supporting projects from the Antiracism Task Force Work Groups. 

Community Event 5.4.24 - Blood pressure monitoring and PCPs referrals.

Penn Hospital Medicine
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street, Maloney Building
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Main Reception: 215.662.3797
Fax: 215.662.6250